Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Scientific Revolution Enlightenment free essay sample

Logical Revolution Aristotle and Claudia Ptolemy sixteenth century science depended on their decisions Geocentric model: Earth is movement less different planets spin around it Epicycles-Polymers thought hovers inside circles Crystalline circles: sky are made of a weightless substance permitting them to move Medieval masterminds utilized Aristotle and Ptolemy belief system into a Christian structure Thomas Aquinas utilizes Unmoved Mover idea to affirm G-advertisements presence Medieval scholars accepted their speculation however were uncertain concerning why the earth was in the middle, salvation can just OCCUr on earth so g-d put it there-?one line of reasoning Mathematics and science turned into the responses to settling Earths secrets Nicolas Copernicus (1473-1543) Heliocentric model: sun in focus, roundabout (epicycle) circle around On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres: hypothesis distributed 1543 Critics differ expressing it is UN-Christian and silly Disagreed with their re ligious philosophy primary pioneers against it: martin Luther, john Calvin 1 ; If corp. 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Right church and book of scriptures aren't right new bearing of reasoning this is just a hypothesis, doesn't have scientific devices to demonstrate this thought Itchy Brave (1546-1601)Danish space expert Does not have a telescope yet has a lab and finds exact information 1572-finds new star 1577-finds comet Johannes Keeper (1571-1630) Assistant to TUB New Astronomy (1609) Laws of Planetary Motion 1: circular circles 2: speed of planet in bigger circle is more slow speed of planet in littler circle quicker 3: farther from the sun more slow circle Keepers law give the establishments of Newtons Laws of Gravity Galileo Galilee (1564-1642) First to utilize the telescope: support for heliocentric hypothesis Bible temperamental source Dialog on Two Chief Systems of the World (1632) record of denied screwballs: - earth turns on a hub and earth rotates around the sun Condemned by Catholic Church-?house capture Pendulum, standards of idleness. Spreads objects of various weight fall at a simi lar speed By the middles of the 1 seventh century, the new science turns into an undeniably Protestant and northern Europe wonder Argued that nature was chilly, normal, numerical and unthinking Laid establishment for the cutting edge investigation of mechanics-?establishment for Newton Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Universe is scientific, experimental, pragmatic, no supernatural occurrences Calculus, idea of gravity, gravitational force Keepers 3 Laws of Planetary Motion becomes Newtons Laws of Motion Inertia, increasing speed, for each activity that is an equivalent and inverse response Principia Mathematical (1687) blend of science and math - Universal attraction: planets and star move b/c of gravity, gravity: why planets move in a systematic instead of disorderly backtalk each researcher admired Newton Cornelius Itchy Brave Johannes Keeper (arithmetic) Newt.Collectively break geocentric hypothesis Natural Philosophy (Modern Science) Attempt to comprehend the operations of nature and t he structure of the universe Scientific Revolution: arrives at its climax with Newton and his endings Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine: more noteworthy advances in material science and stargazing in 16 and 17 Andrea Versatile: The Structure of the Body (1543), dismemberment finding out about life structures William Harry: blood course (1628) Robert Bayle: father of current science, differentiation between substance components, mixes, and responses. Logical Reasoning and Logic/Philosophy Responds to science Scientists and savants consider universe to be a represented all inclusive laws that can be seen, and found with balanced request and investigation Francis Bacon (1561-1626) Lord Chancellor of England l will put another course to scholarly discoveryJust in light of the fact that a thought has been around for some time doesn't make it substantial Knowing: made sure about by experience and information Nova Organza (New Method): what we can know is restricted to what we can run probe s Causes of Human Error: Idols of the Tribe, Idols of the Cave, Idols of the Marketplace, Idols of the Theater Table of revelation: Experiments Lucifer: reveal data about the globe Experiments fructified: tests that refute things Inductive thinking to discover ends Small bits of trials and making bigger determinations from them If on watches enough apples tumbling from a tree can close apples fall, not tideways Build up information to develop obvious end result ? inductive thinking Human Philosophy brain science building squares Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Founder of current way of thinking Rationalism/reasoning of the psyche: understanding world dependent on reason Discourse on Method generally well known (1636) and Meditation on First Philosophy (1636) The Dread Argument/Deceiving G-d Argument/Evil Demon Argument: all he knows is bogus and could be bogus If we cannot believe our faculties to pass on evident data about our general surroundings then we cannot confide in the ends weve made on the grounds of that sense recognition Thought break: tangible information is bogus my brain is genuine l think along these lines I am - ?> G-d is then likewise genuine and Hes not deceiving us about the World - ?> tactile information isn't bogus, use math and motivation to discover Truth is in the psyche a human is a rest considerations (thinking thing) not a rest degrees (broadened thing) Cartesian Dualism: thought of reality cogitator consequently total (l think in this way I am) G-d unique cogitator himself, permits reliable discernment Best approach to comprehend physical World is through math and reason Deductive thinking: rationale and motivation to discover reality The cutting edge Scientific Method Induction (Francis Bacon-inductive) EmpiricismDeduction (Desecrate deductive m) Rationalism Moving from the particular to the general Begins with the general and finishes with the particular Carols Linnaeus: grouped plants and animals by gees and species William Gil bert: electrical charges in substances Ben Franklin: Identified power in lightning a created lighting bar Alexandra Vote: stockpiling battery, saddle power because of battery New Science Royal Society for Improving Natural Knowledge, London 166 French Academy of science, 1 666 Berlin Academy/Prussian Academy of Science, Berlin 17 The Enlightenment The Enlightenment (1700-1800) Deism: G-d as awesome watchmaker doesn't get included (generally far off) John Tolland Christianity Not Mysterious - authored term deism Pantheism: G-d is (everything is the equivalent) and everything is G-d (progressively extraordinary) Monism: everything is bound together by a solitary substance Branch tasting (1632-1677) Ethics: negate Descartes Dualism (mind is independent from issue) Substance: is a substance (inward being or quintessence) Modes: creatures and everything ( articulation) No great and insidious, just point of view State of Nature: rebellion or consistent condition of war dread of turbulent Social Contract: understanding made to keep up social request and harmony ThomasHobbes (1588-1679) Pessimistic accepted people are awful Leviathan: 1651 promoters absolutism, move away from what the dread and towards wants Fundamental want is endure Likes absolutism Dislikes Anarchy Man must pick administered: absolutism (just right gobo) and security free: turmoil and dread Bad and come up short on an ace Give up capacity to leviathan so he can ensure us John Locke (1632-1 704) Optimistic Essay Concerning Human Understanding: Theory of Tabular Rasa - clear record - information from encounters - condition impacts human conduct - society advances with training Two Treatises of Civil Government (1690) In condition of nature Pl. Are equivalent and acceptable Social agreement Pl. Arm government ensures common rights (freedom property bliss) Rebellion: infringement of rights Constitutional government is bolstered Biases Pascal (1623-1662) Reunite science with religion Mystical encounters empowers Pascals Wager: better to accept then not to, gain you increase all, free you don't free anything Pennies (Thoughts) Witch Craft!!! 70,000-10,000 ladies condemned ladies more established, widows 80% older 1700 finish of witch fever conventional convictions and fears bring about witch frenzies and furor Voltaire (Franã §ois Marie Route) (1694-177) Constitutional government > French absolutism wavers on the English: differentiated English political freedom and scholarly autonomy with Frances oppression and servitude Letters are the primary sparkles in the French Revolution Enlightened Despotism: visitor at Potsdam in court of Frederick the Great, type Of absolutism , looses favor with him and is banished from Prussia .