Sunday, December 29, 2019

Police Enforcement And Criminal Investigation Essay

Law enforcement, in some form, has existed for centuries and since its creation there has been numerous improvements. Improvements have come about because of community changes and the need for more effective ways of policing the people. As crimes became more fierce and complex so did the need for the investigation and solving of these crimes. Criminal investigative techniques were not just born from thin air, some thought and planning had to go into figuring out the proper ways to go about doing things. Pioneers of the criminal justice and criminal investigation field such as August Vollmer, Alphonse Bertillon, Edward Henry, and Edmond Locard have made superior contributions to the development of criminal investigative techniques. These techniques have impacted the way police operate today and set a substantial base for law enforcement to build on. Alphonse Bertillon devised a system simply called, The Bertillon System. This was a first attempt at criminal identification and was tho ught to be reliable and accurate. Bertillon developed an anthropometric system of physical measurements of body parts, especially components of the head and face. This system was used primarily to determine if a person in custody had committed a previous crime. Archives of these records began to be compiled. A form of this system is still used today, but we now call them â€Å"mugshots†. (Bertillon System of Criminal Identification, 2011). Although mugshots are still used today, anthropometry wasShow MoreRelatedPrivate And Public Criminal Investigation1308 Words   |  6 PagesPrivate and Public Criminal Investigation Comparison Paper Police officers are public officials that have a legal and ethical duty to members of the public including the suspect in a criminal investigation. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Employment Discrimination Can Wear Many Faces In The...

Employment discrimination can wear many faces in the workplace. Three common workplace discriminations are in the categories of age, weight, and sexual orientation. Only age discrimination has a specific law named after it. The law is called the Age Discrimination Act (ADA). Weight discrimination is linked with the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to be enforced. Sexual orientation (Gender identity) is linked with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. There is a new regulation called the LGBT employment discrimination in the United States, but the enforcement of this regulation will vary by the jurisdiction. It is paramount that workers be aware of the overview of these three different types of discrimination in the workplace. Workers†¦show more content†¦Often age discrimination is linked to other forms of discrimination because it may be harder to detect. â€Å"The court’s findings were there was a direct link to evidence of age and race discrimination. Sometimes e vidence of age and race discrimination is direct.† (Zachary, 2014, p. 1) Age discrimination is a real issue in the workforce. The aged worker is often stereotyped before being allowed to perform a certain task or job. Some examples of the stereotypes are that older workers are not agile or flexible enough to do the job as well as a younger worker. Or, the older worker is overqualified and will leave at the first better job offer. The facts are that those are just stereotypes. Younger workers are just as likely to leave their jobs for a better opportunity. â€Å"Millennia’s are said to move freely from company to company, more so than any other generation.† (Adkins, 2017, p. 1) The older age stereotypes can easily be proven false, but still age discrimination persists in the workplace. It can be argued that age discrimination persists because many are not aware that there is a law against it. The second type of workplace discrimination is sexual orientation or also known as gender discrimination. The name was changed to gender discrimination due to the negative connotation of the work sex. Gender discrimination is another real issue in the workplace. My place of work has many transgender workers. I sometimes would hear derogatoryShow MoreRelatedAn Ideal World, People Would Get Along850 Words   |  4 Pagesnot real and the world is full of different forms of hate and discrimination. People are discriminated against based on various things like race, religion, and sex. The Transgender community faces one of the highest amounts of discrimination. This includes using a public restroom, going to a doctor’s office, insurance, workplace, and traveling. First, utilizing public restrooms are a major problem for transitioning individuals. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Saint Anselm Free Essays

string(78) " as the Archbishop in England until he died on the 21st day of April in 1109\." Saint Anselm is a well known religious, philosophical, and theological figure in Canterbury, England and a significant contributor in the Catholic Church. He had a strong faith in the Holy Scriptures in relation to truth which then became his basis of his work and life. In addition, he stressed the existence of God through reason. We will write a custom essay sample on Saint Anselm or any similar topic only for you Order Now For him, it is important to see beyond things and concepts with deep obscurity through enlightenment and wisdom (Southern, 1962). Despite the criticisms he received, it is undeniable that Saint Anselm is worthy of studying in the fields of theology, psychology, and philosophy. In this research, the life, works, influence, and impact of Saint Anselm’s contributions are discussed in details. Saint Anselm in his early life Saint Anselm (1033–1109), an Italian-born English philosopher and theologian of the medieval times, was born in the city of Aosta, Piedmont near the border between Italy and France and he died in of Canterbury, Kent, England. Saint Anselm’s family was known to be well off and noble. His father, Gundulph, who was a Lombard by birth, was a person having a harsh character and intense temper. Ermenberga is the name of Saint Anselm’s mother. She was virtuous, religious, and prudent. When Saint Anselm has reached fifteen years of age, he decided to join a monastery, but his father was reluctant in supporting his desire in entering a religious life. Due to disappointment, Saint Anselm has developed psychosomatic illness, which he was able to overcome. However, he has lost his interest with his studies for a long time and he also became more carefree in living his life. It was a difficult time for Saint Anselm to bear the challenges he had for his mother died during that time. t became even worse when his father’s violent character became too unpleasant and unbearable. Saint Anselm at Bec After his student life at Burgundy, Saint Anselm left home in 1057. Later, in 1059 he explored France and started to think about joining a religious life in the Benedictine monastery at Bec, Normandy. The reason why he entered the monastery was because he was inspired by the famous countryman and theologian named Lanfranc, a prior o f the Benedictine Abbey of Bec. He then became Lanfranc’s disciple and companion in the monastery and he finally joined in 1060. Years later, he was twenty-seven years old then, he lived in Avranches and then entered the abbey as a novice. He studied about the works of Saint Augustine for ten years. However, he wrote nothing about his early life, ideas and the things he learned for he spent most of his life in praying and meditating. Although he wrote the De Grammatico, in which he discussed questions that were semantical in nature, and investigated regarding the concepts of possibility and necessity, this work did not have much influence (De grammatico, 2007). In 1063, Lanfranc became the abbot of Caen and Anselm the elected prior of Bec. Saint Anselm served as a prior for fifteen years. Lanfranc became an archbishop of Canterbury in 1070 while Saint Anselm became an abbot in 1078, the year when Herluin, the warrior monk who was the founder and first abbot of Bec died. Anselm’s fame was not only because of his association with Lanfranc but because of his care about the monks, his sensitivity to their needs and the things around him, and his intuitive mind. It was the time of Saint Anselm’s leadership when learning was improved in Bec and its high standard for learning was became popular even to foreign students. This achievement has brought Anselm in close contact with ecclesiastical affairs in Europe. His public life brought his way to be recognized by William the Conqueror who favored Anselm’s effort and initiative in serving the people. Lanfranc eventually died and King William consecrated Saint Anselm as the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. He was then considered as one of the most influential Christian thinkers during that time. He was the Archbishop until 1109. Conflicts and political issues Anselm continued living a spiritual life since he became the Archbishop of Canterbury but he was involved in a series of disputes with the king and also with his successor regarding investiture, the primacy of spirituality, and papal jurisdiction. Anselm gave absolute obedience to God and he almost despised politics and mediocrity. The king also unlawfully and took the revenues of the see until he died. In addition, Anselm was not able to recognize Wibert who was supported by Rufus. They were both the anti-pope which Anselm has fought against them. It resulted to a conflict and other issues that made Anselm to exile in 1097. After a year, Anselm decided to resolve the quarrel with the King so went to Rome to seek counseling from his spiritual father. However, it was not easy for him to leave for the king almost did not give him permission to leave. Saint Anselm’s later life Anselm received praise from the Urban at the Siege of Capua and from Count Roger I of Sicily’s troops of Saracen. However, however, Urban did not fully involve in the dispute between Anselm and King William. A great council at Bari asked Anselm to defend the doctrine of the procession of the Holy Ghost against the representatives of the Greek Church. When Henry I became the king in 1100, Anselm returned to England but in 1103 he exiled for the second time due to his refusal to compromise of both king and archbishop in the Concordat of London. Around 1107, Pope Paschal defended about the Double Procession of the Holy Spirit and explained to the king that Anselm’s positions have been modified which resulted to a victory of the Catholic Church over spiritual jurisdiction. However, King Henry remained in control when it comes to the appointment of bishops and abbots. The last two years of Anselm’s life was spent in serving as the Archbishop in England until he died on the 21st day of April in 1109. You read "Saint Anselm" in category "Papers" King Alexander VI canonized Anselm in 1494 (Scholasticism, 2004). He was considered the Doctor of the Church in 1720 (Saint Anselm, 2004). Saint Anselm in the late 11th century Saint Anselm’s life motto is about searching for the meaning and understanding by believing or turning into faith. His main undertaking was to seek reason in order to be enlightened about the content of belief (Southern, 1962, pp. 1-13). He is famous with his ontological proof about God’s existence, which is based on the belief that whatever the mind can conceive can be achieved or realized in reality. Anselm’s first work alludes to unbelievers with the Cur Deus Homo. This lead him to compose his memorable phrase , credo ut intelligam, which is translated in English as â€Å"I believe in order that I may understand† This was included at the end of the opening prayer of his Proslogion in which he discussed his argument regarding the existence of God. Anselm’s work on the Cur Deus Homo in England in 1094 was the time when the societies of France, England, Burgundy, and Normandy, were having an exhilarating event that was related to the First Crusade (Asiedu, 2001). Saint Anselm’s credo presents a statement of belief suggesting that understanding requires someone to believe. Anselm’s opposite belief with Aquinas is the result of the different worlds they were exposed to. Augustine had a rich experience with other religious traditions and he lived most part of his life in participating. On the other hand, Anselm lived his life by trying to maintain everything that is good and keeping his spiritual life. The peace and solemnity at the monastery provided Anselm much time in constructing his intellectual edifice with symmetry and balance. He did not have much knowledge or formal schooling about other religions and religious traditions. His writing about the unbelievers must have been the outcome of his notion that pagans who do not believe in a supreme being like God in the Holy trinity whom he believes in or, perhaps, some non-Christians existed in the Western society before the end of the eleventh century. Anselm’s reference to the pagans and even the Jews proves that he was knowledgeable that they could object Christian teachings such that they might defend the Law in the Old Testament and that they may negatively respond to Jesus’ preaching in the Gospels (Asiedu, 2001). Although Anselm’s ontological argument regarding the existence of God has influenced Descartes and Hegel, Saint Thomas Aquinas rejected it (Misner, 2000). The term â€Å"ontological proof† was first applied by and Emmanuel Kant in his arguments between the seventeenth and the eighteenth century. Anselm demonstrated the existence of God with his popular credo that anything which can be conceived can be achieved and it can exist in reality (Delio, 2003). On the contrary, Aquinas believes that it is possible that some people not capable of understanding some concepts or ideas. Rather, cognition occurs or one understands since an individual serves an instrumental role in the act of cognition. He contends that in order for an individual to understand, it should be first encountered or perceived by the senses to become known or exist in the mind (Dougherty, 2006). Saint Anselm as founder of scholasticism Saint Anselm is considered as the â€Å"Father of Scholasticism† for he emphasized reasoning, argumentation, clear-mindedness, openness, and terseness with humility. He was not after judging those who cannot understand but he emphasized that there is no such thing as impossible to understand. As an example, Anselm developed technical vocabulary of expressions for his theological and philosophical thoughts (Hopkins, 1976). Scholasticism, which focuses on faith and reason, is a philosophy and theology of Christianity in the Western countries in the Middle-Ages. Reason was used to deepen the Christian believers’ understanding and to give rationalization to faith (Scholasticism, 2004; Dougherty, 2006). Philosophers who influenced Saint Anselm Aside from Lanfranc who inspired Anselm’s way of thinking Saint, other earlier Christian philosophers who influenced Anselm’s thoughts were Augustine, Aristotle, and Boethius. Saint Anselm was influenced Saint Augustine who argues that truth exists. Although Anselm articulated the need for redemption in an exclusive way, it was Augustine who first drew a strict correlation between Incarnation and redemption (Delio, 2003). Saint Augustine also contends about the rule of truth in a proposition which makes it true. Boethius worked on puzzling relationship between Creation and Incarnation and believed about Christ having been human regardless of the history of Adam and his sin (Delio, 2003). Like Saint Augustine, Saint Anselm believes about the issue that the world has existed and it forever exists. However, Anselm mentioned about Aristotle only once (Wilks, 1994). In fact, his little knowledge about Aristotle was based on the works of Boethius. Saint Anselm believes that the mystery of the Holy Trinity was not about being the product of cognitive speculation but it is actually about praise and worship in order to strengthen Christians’ faith. There are some modifications about the claims of Augustine in Anselm’s exploration of the doctrine of the Trinity as Monologion or one God in three different persons (Fortin, 2006). Saint Anselm’s contributions Saint Anselm has also contributed to pedagogical studies. The first children’s literature was basically intended for instruction. In the Middle-Ages, Saint Anselm, together with Saint Aldhelm, Aelfric, and Venerable Bede wrote school textbooks in Latin. Some of these texts were eventually used in English and American schools (Children’s Literature, 2004). Anselm’s paradoxes on mercy are also significant concepts for policy makers to consider. The first paradox focuses on justice from a normative point of view in relation to the various strands of retribution, a noncomparative justice that centers on a particular person whose punishment does not depend on others. This implies that a strategy for mercy must be based on the public’s commitment to various strands of retribution. The second paradox poses a dilemma in which mercy is subject to discretion from a comparative point of view where fairness and equality should be attained even in a diverse community. It suggests that a strategy for mercy must adopt equal application of the law for individuals (Misner, 2000). To be in existence means being within God’s love. The creations and God’s salvation are mentally distinguished from each other but they cannot be separated. Salvation is of God’s unconditional and unlimited love for his Creatures. Anselm believes that salvation from within the context may be limited in but God’s justice is an extension of His enduring love, forgiveness, and caring. God’s mercy and justice are determined to restore beauty and harmony to His creation fro God is ultimately good. Even Christ teaches his followers to never stop forgiving others and asking for forgiveness because these are necessary in eradicating the burden of guilt or other hurt feelings that could serve as barriers to happiness. In effect, some laws give pardon to those who plead guilty and sorry for their sins or crimes with the promise to become better individuals. There are instances that people will be attracted in doing crimes if they know they will be forgiven but there are other means to overcome this problem. Constructive punishment can be more effective in reducing crime rates because criminals would realize their wrongdoings, pay for them in a positive way and they will learn how to improve their life and function effectively in the society instead of continuously committing crimes after they are forgiven. Saint Anselm’s impact on other philosophers Many of the Eastern thinkers viewed Incarnation based on the cosmic point of view while Incarnation was seen to impact on juridical and moral aspects as Christology was developed in the West. The later was influenced by the satisfaction theory of Anselm which was supported by saint Thomas Aquinas (Delio, 2003). This theory emphasizes suffering and death of Jesus as a means of salvation. Aquinas argued that reason could possibly lead a person to great spiritual truths and could help him to understand those truths that he accepted on faith (Scholasticism, 2004). God wants the people to realize that death, pain, suffering, and sacrifice in a better perspective. Because He loves His Creations, He wants the people to promote and bring peace to each other to prevent internal and external conflicts within organizations or families. Saint Bonaventure and John Duns Scotus were influenced by Anselm. They both provided a dynamic, inclusive, and broad understanding about Incarnation. Bonaventure and Scotus recognized Anselm’s satisfaction theory in relation to the primacy of Christ. As a result, Anselm was able to attain a level of theological achievement. They were able to effectively articulate and understand profoundly the concept of Incarnation, which serve as the underpinning framework God’s love as the reason for His Creations. Scotus provided an explicit explanation regarding the primacy of Christ while Bonaventure described a primacy of the mystery of the fullness of Christ (Delio, 2003). Bonaventure views Creation and Incarnation as significant factors in the primacy of Christ although in the absence of specific doctrine. It is through Bonaventure that made Catholics and other Christians that Christ is the cente of the universe. Bonaventure opted for the traditional solution of Anselm. In Breviloquium (1255) Bonaventure adopted Anselmian’s position in Incarnation and perfection. People were intended to recognize that the noble perfection of the universe in which he emphasizes not only satisfaction but also Incarnation as part of the cosmic fulfillment. As Bonaventure wrote: â€Å"It is in the Word that we discover the perfection of that greatness of heart which brings all reality to its consummation and completion, since the figure of the circle attests to the perfection of bodies both in the macrocosm and in the microcosm†¦ Indeed, God is simply the first. And the last among the works of the world is man. Therefore, when God became man, the works of God were brought to perfection. † (Bonaventure, 1989, pp. 73-74. ). Richard Southern affirms Anselm’s concepts about Christ’s death. First, it is considered a divine appeasement instead of condemning an innocent person for to pay for other’s sins. Christ’s death was not a mishap but a significant event that strengthened His relationship with God, just like restoring the harmony of creation. Second, Southern appreciates the moral validations of this event for it brought liberation from sins and reconciliation for improved relationship between God and the people. Third, it reflects the real and various human experiences for salvation through Christ. Salvation and biblical symbols are deemed important to be integrated and appropriated through the kinds of Christian practices (Cahill, 2007). Salvation was made possible when God the Father offered Jesus to save the sinners who ask for forgiveness, repent, and do penance. This is the most significant means of demonstrating God’s love for humanity. In response to God’s love, Jesus calls His followers to love their neighbors by being generous, charitable, kind, forgiving, understanding, empathetic, honest, and just at all times and in all places. This classical salvation theory is emphasized in Saint Anselm’s theory of satisfaction (Haight, 1994). God’s act of love or Jesus’ redemption can be best interpreted in modern day activities which were seen in Jesus’ public ministry. If only people would live in accordance to His teachings and examples, promote and practice love, live each day like it is Christmas, and keep a spiritual life, the world will be peaceful and people would learn to care not only to humankind but also to other Creations and the environment. Anselm stressed the role of our mind in making things possible. It is, indeed, true that we can achieve whatever we can think of if we start acting on it and doing the right steps toward the attainment of our goals. Conclusion Saint Anselm’s family background did not anticipate his career but it was his powerful thinking that brought him to a religious life. He did not have a perfect life during his youth and he also experienced challenges. However, he did not allow the negative experiences to ruin his life. Instead, his pursuit in entering a monastery came true when he left and traveled across places. His life and work were influenced mainly by Lanfranc, Aristtole, and Boethius. Although Anselm’s concepts about intelligence and knowing were rejected by Saint Thomas Aquinas, they agree about the satisfaction theory and about the primacy of Christ as the center of the universe. Anselm is famous about the importance of belief in understanding things that has not been conceived. He wanted the people, especially the unbelievers or those he wanted to convert to Christianity to understand the content of their belief by having faith and finding reason to avoid uncertainties. Anselm’s first initiative was to enable the believers to search for reasons in the Christian belief before they are able to profess their faith to their prospect converts or unbelievers. Contemporary thinkers like Bonaventure and Scotus also supported Anselm’s Christology. They have contributed to the centrality of Christ and made it clearer for modern readers to understand about Incarnation and redemption through good reasoning and faith. They also emphasized the mystery of the fullness of Christ. The acceptance of Saint Anselm’s teachings marks the Church’s official teaching regarding the correlation between the sin and salvation and the Incarnation and redemption. Anselm’s work is not only significant in the religious and spiritual life of Christian but also in improving decisions in the social and political contexts. Placing Christ as the center of people’s life and recognizing the love of God for His Creatures are likely to produce positive results. Anselm’s contributions are important for they favor human life in promoting good in the intellectual, emotional, personal, and spiritual aspects of a person. How to cite Saint Anselm, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship

Question: Discuss about the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Answer: Introduction: The most eminent and unmatched professional competition within the sports of the Australian Rules football is the Australian Football League. This is the form of football whose roots are a derivative from the early structure of Gaelic football and Rugby (Hickey et al. 2014). The rule for Australian Rules football were codified in early 1858 and all the other forms of football such as the Rugby Union and league, Canadian, Gaelic football, Soccer Association and others were probably anticipated by this (Weston et al. 2015). As a breakaway from the Victorian Football Association, this league was founded as the Victorian Football League and it was inaugurated in the year (Bahnert et al. 2013). There are 18 teams in this league that comprises of five out of the total 6 of the Australians states. The matches of this league have been played in almost all of the territories and the states of Australia and also of New Zealand (Corboz et al. 2016). AFL is globally exportable and marketable: The Australian Football league however has so many advanced programs that would be added to the league in the coming years, the league is now facing some club related issues. As it has revealed that the Australian Football league clubs are facing some major troubles, therefore the question arises that if the clubs would have such issues then would the teams of the AFL be able to survive (Pomfret 2016). According to Sherry et al. (2016) the Australian league is best football code of Australia and the trouble that it is facing due to the struggle of poorer clubs need to have immediate assistance(Hallinan and Hughson 2013). The funds for the Football league are raised from these clubs and from the new subscription for the membership of the clubs. If these clubs would undergo troubles, conflicts and financial issues then it would be difficult for the football teams of the league to survive due to insufficient providing of the funds. At this phase while the other league such as the Rugby union and league, the Wallabies and others are growing stronger, the poor fund supply of Australian Football League makes it difficult for the league to survive in this field. This is also demotivating the competitive characteristics of the teams (Moreira et al. 2015). The globalising of the Australian Football League is now not only a choice or option for the organization but it has also become the necessity for the survival of the league (Cho 2016). The main reasons that could be summed up for this necessity are the issues regarding the poor financial status of the clubs of the AFL that is threatening the survival of the AFL teams due to poor supply of funds and also to promote the Australian Football League worldwide for a better market place of the teams of AFL (Kelly 2014). AFL in United States: The governing body for the Australian Rules football in U.S is the United States Australian Football League. For most of the football clubs of U.S they still follow the traditional team system that is the 18 a- side team for the purpose of representative and for the purpose of running in the a local league a team of 9 a-sides. The co-ordination of the National team, the USA freedom womens team and the USA revolution mens team in U.S is the responsibility of the United States Australian Football League. These teams are the teams that play in the exhibition matches and the international tournaments represent ting the U.S. the national teams for the United States Australian Football League are selected from the Best players of USA for these teams (Hallinan and Heenan 2013). Marketing potentiality for AFL in U.S: The fastest growing team and the spectator sports in the U.S is the Australian Rules football that is being played in the domestic boundaries of the U.S. However, in U.S apart from the United States Australian Football League, there are also a number of other leagues and tournaments that are played in the country. In the country are also many different teams, league teams, national womens team, the national youth team, the national mens team and the national championship team. In the womens team there also teams like the junior teams and the senior teams. There are also the non- contact versions such as the Austag, the modified Australian football team present in the country (Davies and Cook 2013). The clubs that the Australian Football League could approach in the U.S are the Columbus Light Horse and others. In U.S the game of football has the most of the participants from the high school and college. This identifies that the youngsters of the country are very much interested in the game and therefore it is a big opportunity for the Australia for strengthening the market potentiality of the Australian Football League in the U.S (Hallinan and Heenan 2013). Competitive Strategies of AFL: For the developing of the competitive strategies, the Australian Football League first requires to first identify its product and the targeted market and then develop its marketing strategies. After the organisation has its marketing strategies developed and implemented in the country, the next step would be develop a competitive strategy for its teams and the league tournaments. The Australian Football League needs to show the uniqueness of their league and keep on in traducing some new game systems or rule or something so that the interest of the common people remains in the game. The teams of this league also need to play well and be of hard competition to the leagues of the other teams of U.S. In U.S, there are also man y teams already present such as the NFL teams and the Revolution mens team. These teams are of high level competition. Therefore, the Australian Football League must also adopt some competitive strategy so that it may remain in the competitive markets of the games sector of U.S (Kunkel et al. 2014). Marketing Mix Strategies of AFL in U.S: The marketing mix that could be identified for the Australian Football League could be classified as follows: Product: The Australian Football League has to promote the leagues and the tournaments that are being held by them in the Australian countries as well. The teams and the different tournaments programs of the Australian Football League organization needs to approached the different existing football clubs of the U.S and also the organization needs to be recognised in U.S. Before the selling of the product in some other country, the product first needs to be identified by the people of the country, just like that before approaching the different clubs and organizations, Australian Football League community needs to first promote their league and its system in U.S. The Australian football teams needs to be introduced to the U.S. people and they need to make aware of the uniqueness of the Australian Football league (Doyle et al. 2013). Place: As mentioned by Weston et al. (2015), promoting of the game of football in U.S. is better place for the promotion of the Australian Football League. There is also gambling done on this game during the championships and the league tournaments, and as per the standard of living of the U.S. people it could be said that place would provide for better clubs, funds and gambling parties for the Australian Football League. (Davies and Cook 2013). Price: From the point of view of maintenance, this game is quite cheap and affordable to be played in any country. The price that would be set for the new clubs and the memberships to joined in has be set on the basis of the living standards of the country in which the football league would be introduced in. The price that is set for the new subscription and the club memberships should also consider the team maintenance cost and other needs (Ritchie et al. 2016). Promotion: The promotion of this Australian Football League needs to be done in the U.S through the means of internet, television and the hoardings. As the main audience targets of such leagues are the youngsters and the men generally therefore, the promotion needs to be done in the sectors where these targeted audiences are more actively present. The advertisements could be done in the news and the sports channels of the country. Promoting of the league on the social websites is also beneficial in the terms that the youngster are more active here (Davies and Cook 2013). Conclusion: The above research study report is based on the Australian Football League, which is the most eminent and unmatched professional competition within the sports of the Australian Rules football that is played in Australia. This Australian game is now advised to be exportable and marketable globally with the help of the internet. This game must be globalised and taken to the countries that would be interested in accepting these football leagues. The country that has been taken in this particular study to fit best with the Australian Football League is the U.S. this country has been chosen because of the excitement and the curiosity of the audience here. It could also be assumed that because of so much enthusiasm of the people of U.S towards the game of Football, this league would be easily accepted by the people. Reference: Bahnert, A., Norton, K. and Lock, P., 2013. Association between post-game recovery protocols, physical and perceived recovery, and performance in elite Australian Football League players.Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,16(2), pp.151-156. Cho, Y. ed., 2016.Football in Asia: History, Culture and Business. Routledge. Corboz, J., Flood, M. and Dyson, S., 2016. 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